Tuesday 5 June 2012

What is the Tyros project

Tyros is a village in the Peloponnese that I visited back in 2006 for an Easter holiday. I immediately felt a strong connection with the place and revisited often after that. Easter 2008, as we were on holidays with friends, we stayed  at the village of “Sapounakeika” and as I was walking up the mountain with my dog one morning, I’ve discovered this amazing house which I later found out it was for sale. And so, I didn’t hesitate. I got a mortgage and by summer I had bought the house. I consider this house to be very special, and unless someone actually visits the place, they can’t understand the beauty of the land there, the microclimate, the friendly locals, the village life. Pictures don’t do justice of the house or the land, but at least give an idea of what it is. To continue the story, the bank loan was enough for me to buy the house, fix the roof and expand the stone windows. After all that, works have stopped as there is no money available. Recession hit us hard and I got unemployed and as I’m just struggling to survive at the moment, all the dreams and visions for Tyros have been “parked away” for now. It is still my dream though, to see this house finished and the land cultivated and to create a community house where we’ll be giving seminars and workshops and everyone would be welcome to come and stay in the land, help with the daily chores, and contribute to our community of brothers and sisters with love and harmony. We have many friends yoga teachers, tai-chi teachers, nutritionists, thai massage therapists and teachers, musicians, architects, extreme sport fans, hikers, who will all be part of our beautiful community in Tyros. Also, is worth mentioning that the villages have an international community already as there are many foreigners who own houses there, from Germany, Belgium, France, Austria and the UK mainly.  
 At the moment, the house is for sale but if there are any alternative solutions so we can fix and keep the house, I’m open to everything. For instance, if there was an interest for someone to fix it together, I’ll be happy to share  ownership and make everything legal (see the page "Costs" for more details).

For future buyers:

The land has permission to built 200sqms more so building is no problem. A few years back, architects from London have designed and have completed plans for the renovated house with extension, and these will be available with the sale of the house. We have a building crew ready on site and can give advice and guidance to the new owner, and we have the people necessary to do all the necessary work.

What we need to fix the house:

The first step is to secure the base so we need to cement on the sides
And then…..
Basically, everything!
Plumbing, electrical, flooring, landscaping, plastering, etc…..
Finally, I just want to say that seeing this house fixed would be my dream come true!